Enrichment Classes
In conjunction with classroom curriculum, students attend enrichment classes each week.

Music & Movement
Our Music and Movement class promotes your child's physical, social, and emotional development through music, dance, and movement activities. Your child will learn skills such as coordination, balance, rhythm, and body awareness, while also developing social skills by interacting with other children in a fun and playful environment.

Daily Chapel is designed to show God's love and teachings through activities such as bible stories, worshiping, and praying together as a school family. This introduces children to essential concepts such as kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude. Your child will learn about fundamental beliefs like God made me, God loves me, and Jesus is my friend forever.

Learning Lab
Learning Lab is a special classroom with additional S.T.E.M., Art, literacy, and dramatic play activities to further enrich your preschooler's day.